October 18, 2012
I got the chance to talk on NPR last year about ideas to deal with the jobs crisis. My perspective then, as it is now, was that education is the key. I don’t just mean a good high school education, which is obviously critical. I mean having the right set of educational choices when it comes to train...
October 16, 2012
I recently moderated a fascinating session at the World Economic Forum 'Summer Davos' in Tianjin, China. Two network scientists, Cesar Hidalgo of MIT and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi of Harvard, discussed the underlying science of how networks operate and how this knowledge might be applied to business an...
October 10, 2012
It is coming up on a month since the influential designer, and my personal mentor, Bill Moggridge, died. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to point you to this great man's work if you don't already know about it. Credited with the design of the first laptop (the Grid Compass) along with a host of ...
October 9, 2012
A show curated by John Cary of Public Interest Design has just opened in San Francisco at the Autodesk Gallery. It is a must if you are interested in design and the social sector. The exhibit features many of the organizations that contributed to the design labs at this year's Clinton Global Initiat...
October 4, 2012
Recently I had the honor of speaking about design for impact during the 2012 Clinton Global Initiative meeting in New York. In the audience were some of the most influential, action-oriented, and socially responsible leaders in the world. It was a wonderful opportunity to talk with Fast Company edit...
October 2, 2012
Like most designers, I am quite comfortable with the notion of designing simple things. I can pick up just about any object and tell you how it was made, and I could probably have a reasonable crack at designing an equivalent of it, even though I’m not a particularly technical person. That’s because...
July 19, 2011
Some of you may remember me writing about ideas around the participation economy back in Spring 2009. One of those articles was entitled "The Post Consumption Economy" . There hasn't been a whole lot of debate in the mainstream media about whether we have been solving the wrong problem by trying to ...
July 18, 2011
The UK has long had an impressive track record of producing successful designers and engineers. Many credit that success to a focus on design within the education system. Significant investments were made in the second half of the 20th Century on design and engineering programs at the University lev...
June 5, 2011
This seems an appropriate title under which to resume my commentary on design and design thinking. I do indeed apologize for the lack of posts over the last three months but this is not the primary reason for the choice of title. I just returned from a visit to Tokyo, a place I have visited more th...
February 26, 2011
I have noticed a growing conversation recently concerning the relationship between design and science. Adam Bly, founder and editor of Seed magazine, did much to get this conversation started, aided and abetted by Paola Antonelli, Curator of Design and the New York Museum of Modern Art. Some of her...